Done-in-One Wonders Episode #12: Catch Me If You Can

In the second season finale, the Xum Crew’s podcast studio had been raided by a squad of Galactic Centurions from the Pre-Crisis Earth One universe of 1984… and they are after the Professor! Can a review of yet another Bronze-Age Flash tale get them out of this jam? Plus: L.A.N.O.S. unleashed!


Featuring: The Flash  v1 #231


(NOTE: We apologize that circumstances beyond our control had prevented us from conducting the Done-in-One Wonders Electronic Mailroom segment for the past few episodes. Be assured that this will be rectified… soon.)

Images from this episode:

Music by Hoyt Curtin, Liseth Vok, and the Manic Street Preachers.

With special thanks to Will Rodgers for providing the voice of the Dude and Mirror Master, as well as a surprise guest star; and to Rob Kelly, Stella from Batgirl to Oracle, Chris Franklin, Siskoid, and Shag Matthews for providing additional voices.

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This podcast is an unabashedly conceited member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK:

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6 responses to “Done-in-One Wonders Episode #12: Catch Me If You Can

  1. Wow! I couldn’t imagine how your were going to tie up all those loose plot threads, but as always, you pulled it off with style. Great to see the return of so many past guest-stars as well. And what a cliffhanger! Naturally, I was tickled pink to see you take up my suggestion of Flash #231. This issue ranks up there with the Weisinger-era Superman tales in terms of ridiculously convoluted hoaxes, but I love it. Congratulations on the conclusion of another great season. Please keep them coming! (P.S. I am already very fond of Blot the Bot, who is a bot named Blot who writes podcasts…)

  2. Holy Moly, Xum, how do you do it?! You must be a very patient person to do as much editing as I expect you needed to do with the extra voices, including your extra voices!
    Thanks for including the images. I love Novick’s Flash. Looking at the samples reminded me of his technique of using rectangles of color behind and image in a panel, but not always using panel borders. It’s very effective for making the image stand out!
    Acknowledging Shag’s contribution before we heard it reminded me of the first Ambush Bug mini series. You know Darkseid will appear at the very end!

  3. Tim Price enjoyed this done-in-one comic very much, but even more so, Tim Price loved the original radio drama by Little Professor Man and associates! A great finale to the season’s final finale. Looking forward to Grundy’s triumphant return next season!

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