FW Team-Up: Batman and Mister Miracle

Siskoid and Chris Franklin's coverage of The Brave and the Bold continues with issue #112 (May 1974) by Bob Haney and Jim Aparo, starring Batman and Mister Miracle! It's "The Impossible Escape"!

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15 responses to “FW Team-Up: Batman and Mister Miracle

  1. I’m definitely with Chris in regards to Batman’s desert outfit in BvS; a trench coat over his costume looks ridiculous. In fact, that entire “Knightmare” narrative just bored the living hell out of me, tbh.

  2. I don’t have this one, but it seems like crazy Bronze Age fun. I really enjoyed your discussion of the issue. And “the Master’s” Alpine lair reminds me of Telly Savalas’s in *Her Majesty’s Secret Service*.

    Usually, all that might not have been worthy of a comment. You already know I love all these team-up shows, after all. But I want to support Chris. More importantly, like many other people, I love to needle Shag.

    1. Well, I disagree. I don’t like Jim Aparos’s art. It’s too dynamic and anatomically correct. I want flash, not substance. And I want scoliotic poses, straps with no discernible purpose, and as many pouches as the artist can draw. I want slow, decompressed stories I can read in two minutes — where nothing unexpected happens and everything is explained twelve times over a five-issue arc. I want a sedentary, clueless Commissioner Gordon who can’t catch a pickpocket without Batman. And I don’t like all this thoughtful discussion. Every conversation about two heroes should begin with the question “Who would win in a fight?” and end with an exchange of insults.

        1. Wow the captain literally brought an army or maybe s.a.s ? Is that what they were called ? The British special forces .

  3. Here’s my idea for a Mr miracle team up we team up with a the pro wrestler Greg the hammer Valentine and a rookie super hero created by YouTube channel Brocster builds The cheese . Can Mr miracle. Along with his two new friends . Stop the sinister king tut and the riddler from stealing a power relic of the ancient ones before it’s to late this would be done in the super friends style with plenty of justice league international humor .story by Chris Franklin and Greg Valentine with brocster art by jim shooter .

  4. I wish I had some theories for the various questions about this story. But I’m flummoxed. Maybe subsequent issues would clarify things about the “master”, but I doubt it. Sigh.

    A little different direction for a Mr Miracle team-up could be the Silver Surfer. Yes, they’re a big mismatch in terms of powers, but that never stopped nonpowered heroes from teaming up with Superman. And Scott and the Surfer have those shared themes of being Christ figures, trapped and escaping, and pursued by ultimate evil figures. For a story, perhaps place it at the time the Surfer is stuck on Earth, and Miracle takes the challenge to try to help him escape.

    Fun time as always, team-sters!

  5. The dream team up? Mister Miracle and ‘Mazing Man where ‘Mazing Man mysteriously escapes the traps seconds before Mister Miracle because he is really Batman in disguise. That helmet can cover the most extreme of bat ears!


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