Special Episode! Ryan Daly and guest Andy Kapellusch share their first impressions of the teaser trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Potential SPOILERS for the teaser and film.
Watch the teaser for Rogue One on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wji-BZ0oCwg
Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: RDalyPodcast@gmail.com.
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Music: “Star Wars Main Theme” and “End Title” by The Evil Genius Orchestra (with Ryan and Shag).
Thanks for listening, and May the Force Be With You!
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Donnie Yen is my favorite modern-day martial arts film star, so I’m really stoked about having him in this film. Like, you don’t even know.
In general, the movie has great casting – Force Dog, ha! – and I’m not gonna lie, I’m more excited about this than I was about The Force Awakens.
The damn misogynists are losing their mind about this feature “yet another female hero” as if that were the Hollywood standard. Dumb, And they’ll look especially foolish once they start releasing trailers that spotlight other cast members (because it’s clear to me the way this was edited that it will be the case, even if she turns out to be the lead). But what do you think about the possibility of Jyn being Rey’s mother? Not that I need this to be the case, but Star Wars destiny seems to impose similar stories happening to members of the same family. History repeats. And the fact that Jyn was orphaned and on her own from a young age, that’s as much a clue as her British accent and coloring, at least for me.
Thanks for doubling up today Ryan (and you too Andy – made me happy to see BvS didn’t Yoko Ono the band). Your dedication is a appreciated.
No evidence to suggest any connection between Jyn Erso and Rey… except for the fact that it’s $@#%ing Star Wars and these types of family connections come up without any previously established evidence. So… I don’t think Jyn is her mother, but I also wouldn’t be surprised at all to find out otherwise.
And yes, I have a feeling Felicity Jones will be the front-person for this really eclectic ensemble that will include numerous men. But until then, keep the drums beating for #WarOnMen.
I don’t know what they problem is. If you’re a full-blooded hetero male like these guys pretend to be, why WOULDN’T you want to watch a beautiful badass woman on screen for 2 hours? It’s the same reason I always play female characters in video games if there’s that option. If I’m going to be watching someone’s butt all day…
And yes, I’m sort of “playing” the sexist pig here, if only to show that there’s a way to enjoy female-led action if you’re one of those. And yet, I nevertheless sincerely enjoy these things on a level other than that of a “justice warrior”.
Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!!! This teaser trailer does a fantastic job of getting you excited for this movie. I’m glad to hear its had that affect on you as well Ryan. It just shows how easy it is to identify when someone gets something right!! I totally agree that this trailer puts to rest some of the fears/hesitations/doubts I had about JJ Abrams not staying on to direct.
The classic Rebel uniforms, the base that is clearly the Yavin base from A New Hope, Mon Mothma and of course that AWESOME scene with the AT-AT’s all bring such a feeling of nostalgia and familiarity that there can be no doubt, this IS a Star Wars movie. Here’s hoping that the other 2+hrs of the movie hold up as well as these 101 seconds do. Time will tell.
Now as to the Who’s Who in this trailer (pun intended), hey sure I’ll bite, so I’m saying the white uniformed Ben Mendelsohn is Tarkin and the black caped figure kneeling in front of the red Imperial guards, that is Vader. I believe they edited this trailer to make you think this way and will probably turn out to be wrong, but for now I’m happy to be led down this path.
I am totally intrigued just as Andy said to find who these other characters are, which again points out how engaging this TEASER trailer is. Donnie Yen, is he force sensitive?? I hope so!! Who’s the guy with the dreadlocks?? On first viewing I thought that was Mandalorian armour and jetpack he was wearing, who is that tall thin black droid following Jyn?? IG-88?!?! And a great little theory from Siskoid, is Jyn, Rey’s mother??
As for the racial diversity, this is STAR WARS. A movie set on a galactic scale. We are all human, from Earth. You cannot possibly have the narrow mindedness to still focus on whether someone is from Asia, Africa, Europe, America or even fictional Paris (@WFDpod ref there) when in a setting where characters are from different planets. And on the point of it POSSIBLY bring a female lead, WHO CARES?!?!?! As long as its right for the story, surely it doesn’t matter what sex the characters are or where they “come from”.
Great little ep guys and thanks for helping me get hyped about this movie!!
Could the Yavin base actually be Dantooine?
I think the base that looks like the Yavin temple IS the Yavin base.
However, maybe the tropical planet where we see a beach and the AT-ATs walking over palm trees, maybe THAT is Dantooine. I would love to see the base the Rebels abandoned…
However again, based on the dialogue in STAR WARS, it really sounds like the Empire had no knowledge of any Rebel presence on Dantooine, whether it was legit or not. That doesn’t make sense for there to be a large-scale battle there and word not get back to Tarkin. Hmmm….
This trailer was definitely the second biggest geek news of the week!
Was there something Doom Patrol-related that I missed?
I’d put this and the Kamandi Challenge neck and neck, don’t know if Paul has a third thing though.
I first want to thank Kyle Benning for the kind words, and I apologize for ruining the First Order stormtroopers for anyone.
I’ve gone on record so many times about my problems with the prequels, but I can say that I completely agree about how good the casting of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi was. I too wish he could get the chance to talk another crack at it with better material.
What about a small scale story about Obi-Wan on Tatooine being pulled between his need to stay under the radar, and his desire to help people as a Jedi. Maybe a story where he is pulled out of retirement — briefly — to protect a small community of farmers and merchants from a roving gang or a mobster shaking them down? It could be fun,
Also, I’ve been thinking more and more about IG-88 and the status quo of droids in the Star Wars universe.
The sad unspoken truth is that droids are basically slaves. They’re bought and sold, destroyed without consequence, and few characters ever seem to treat them like people. Han Solo talks to Threepio like a piece of equipment and even the normally suave Lando just walks away in the middle of Threepio’s polite greeting.
Even Luke, who eventually treats them like friends, ends the first movie by casually walking away from R2-D2 who had been shot in the head during the Death Star run. While everyone is cheering their victory, Threepio is clearly upset about his friend’s apparent death and offers to donate parts to save him. Luke just throws him a dismissive, “Eh.. he’ll be fine” and just walks off smiling with Han and Leia.
Droids clearly have feelings and opinions, and thanks to that poor droid getting his feet branded in Jabba’s Palace, we know that they can feel pain.
All of this puts IG-88 in a whole new light. IG-88 is nobody’s slave or property. He is a free droid and a bounty hunter, and he will *mess you up.*
IG-88 is basically Jaime Foxx in Django Unchained. And that makes him awesome.
One of the few things I really enjoyed in the prequels was Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine. In a trilogy where the characters seem so cold and robotic, he’s one of the few characters who seems to be enjoying himself and acts with any sort of passion.
He chews scenery and everything he says drips with fun, over the top evil and gravitas. He’s one of the few actors who makes George Lucas’ dialogue work, and his wicked cackling is some of my favorite in any movie.
Highlights are any moment where he revels in feeling someone else’s anger or his croaky voiced, “No….no…..no….YOU WILL DIE!!!” right before he blasts Mace Windu with force lightning.
In contrast to the other characters being so boring and unlikeable, it’s kind of hard to not root for Palpatine.
Great job getting this episode done and up so quickly. I am finding more and more that when a big trailer like this drops, I immediately look to podcasts I enjoy for commentary. It’s not enough “just” to watch the trailer anymore!
ROGUE ONE looks great, top to bottom. Kudos to Disney for giving women and POC a greater role in these massive movie events. The more the Men’s Rights crowd howls in agony, the more you know you’re doing something right.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if TFA was simply, in retrospect, the merely Very Good installment when it comes to this new set of Star Wars movies?
This could be the movie we actually get to see dead Bothan spies.
Mon Mothma referred to Bothans dying to retrieve the plans for the SECOND Death Star prior to Return of the Jedi, but that doesn’t mean we can’t see one or two Bothans, living or dead, in this movie, too. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
And given how bad their info was the Bothans were probably not dead but doubled.
My personal wish is that Bothans are simply humans from the planet Both.
I thought the trailer looked great, and has a real chance to open up the Star Wars universe to different sorts of stories.
My personal hope? No Jedi, no Force users. no lightsabers or lightsaber duels. Those people get the spotlight enough. Let’s get more spies and pilots and soldiers and stormtroopers.
The only exception I’d be excited to see is a Darth Vader cameo.
Hello, Ryan. First time posting on one of your shows, but I’ve been following your podcasts ( I cherry pick, because DAMN there are so many ).
Excellent work!!!
Regarding the chewbacca Leia thing: http://www.slashfilm.com/leia-hugging-rey-jj-abrams-force-awakens/
Saw this article on it.
I think this looks great. I’m going to see it. I appreciate the breakdown on the trailer, and I’m hoping Darth Vader is in here somewhere! We need another cool on-film Vader appearance to help wipe away his Frankenstein moment in Sith.
I like the look of this and especially am excited at the prospect of a military/espionage take on Star Wars. For me, the films are a bit too fighter pilot-centric. I always wanted to see more of the grunts. Mike Stackpole has covered that in the Rogue Squadron books; but, again, those are fighter pilots. Back in Empire and Jedi, I wanted to see more of those guys on the ground, battling against AT-ATs and stormtroopers.
As for Forrest Whitaker, somebody asked who he is supposed to be and this is my answer: he’s the guy waiting to pick up the new DJ for the Death Star. We’ll see more of him in the spin-off, Good Morning Imperial Command! Yes, watch as a rebellious DJ turns the Empire on its ear with rock and roll! Here’s some of the script:
“Gooooooood morning Imperial Command!!!!! This isn’t the Dark Side, this is rock and roll!!!!! Rockin’ you from Bespin to Tatooine!!”
Meanwhile a Hong Kong action star in Star Wars; just imagine if it had been Jackie Chan? I can see him sliding down the dish of the Death Star planet destroying weapon, or leaping across the chasm that Luke and Leia swung across.