Alternate poster features the Santa Cruz/Santa Carla boardwalk
Director Joel Schumacher illustrates what’s at stake for the brothers Emerson and Frog.
Jason Newlander and the Coreys in front of a wall of Bronze Age comic goodness!
Straight outta MTV, the titular Lost Boys…and girl.
Kiefer’s real tears, not from pain of fire…but contact lenses!
Cover to Superman: The Man of Steel #41 by Jon Bogdanove and Dennis Janke (who is incorrectly credited with interior inks here)
Interior pages from Superman: The Man of Steel #41, written by Louise Simonson with art by Bogdanove and Klaus Janson.
Lock’s personal interdimensonal void is a lot like a dryer… it eats up clothes!
Stern talk from the Daily Planet publisher to Perry White over his adoption of a black boy.
Babe gets her some deli meat…the hard way.
He’s a stage magician with his own personal black hole! She’s a sassy vampire rock star with attitude! Coming this fall to NBC this fall: Lock and Loath-ed!!!
Superman just got knocked the #$%^ out!!!
Racy and misleading cover to MOS #42 by Bogs and Janke.
Lock walks around town, while his pet tornado sucks up infants!!!
OF COURSE Jimmy invited this vampire in…who wouldn’t?
Ruthven gets knocked the #$%^ out!!!
I wonder what Maggie Sawyer would think of Superman hand waving Babe’s homicides away?