Time-traveling thief Chronos escapes into the past, and Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern must team up with Old West heroes, Jonah Hex, Bat Lash, El Diablo, and Ohiyesa (don’t call him “Pow-Wow”) Smith to stop him. But when Chronos begins unraveling the fabric of space and time, the League land in their own future, where they join the last of the JLU; Static, Warhawk, Old Bruce Wayne, and Batman Terry McGinnis! Join Chris and Cindy as they wrap up Season 1 of Justice League Unlimited with “The Once and Future Thing: Part 1, Weird Western Tales”, and “Part 2: Time, Warped”!
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This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK
Clip credits:
Clips from Justice League Unlimited “The Once and Future Thing, Part 1: Weird Western Tales”, Directed by Dan Riba, and “Part 2: “Time, Warped” directed by Joaquim Dos Santos. Music by Kristopher Carter/
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