Power of Fishnets 22: JLMay Crossover – JUSTICE #10

The biggest DC Comics-based podcast crossover event of the the year continues! Ryan Daly welcomes Darrin and Ruth Sutherland from the RaD Podcast Network to discuss Green Arrow and Black Canary’s spotlight in Justice #10, part of the Alex Ross-painted maxi-series, and all part of JLMay 2017!

Check out Darrin and Ruth’s Warlord Worlds podcast here: http://www.warlordworlds.com.

After listening to this episode, head on over to Waiting for Doom, the Doom Patrol podcast for chapter 11 at: http://waitingfordoom.podbean.com

Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: RDalyPodcast@gmail.com.

This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK

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Music: “Shoot to Thrill” by Halestorm.

Thanks for listening! Evah a ecin yad!

18 responses to “Power of Fishnets 22: JLMay Crossover – JUSTICE #10

    1. Subtle! Subtle! We definitely must ramp-up our dialogue to ensure there is nothing subtle about it!! 🙂

  1. This is the issue where you finally feel like the heroes are going to win, and it’s a great feeling indeed. Ollie even tells us as much, but seeing John stand up glowing all green is a triumphant moment. It’s one my son Andrew really appreciates, because as he reminded me yesterday, John is HIS Green Lantern, thanks to the Justice League/Unlimited animated series. And there’s nothing wrong with that!

    One thing I did find odd was Batman’s file on Black Canary. He is clearly referencing the ORIGINAL Black Canary, who lost her husband in a big crisis-like event. Ross and Kruger don’t get into the whole Earth-Two transplant thing, but it’s interesting how strictly Ross clings to actual Bronze Age lore with the heroes, with no retcons except for his own, like Plastic Man and Captain Marvel being reservists.

    It’s always great to hear the Sutherlands, and I can attest to the fact they are just as nice in person as they are on air. But as nice as they are, even they know to keep certain Koala punchers at a safe distance. 😉


  2. Great review! And how awesome to bring Ryan and the Sutherlands together to discuss this!

    For me, I loved that Ross brings in the ‘sidekicks’. Despite her being brainwashed, Supergirl is awesome in this issue. I love how Ollie recognizes how deep he is in it when he has to face off against Kara. And Ross just makes her look great. The 70s ‘hot pants’ costume is a classic and I was thrilled her revived it here.

    The whole #JLMay review has been fantastic. Strong work on all shows!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Anj! It was terrific to record with Ryan again … and without any electrical storms this time so that we could actually hear each other the whole time … 🙂

  3. Now I’m wondering how uncomfortable Ollie and Dinah make it for the other JLAers when they’re all hanging around the satellite: constant PDAs, and Ollie probably goes on and on about all the action he’s getting. Everyone else just stares at the monitors, hoping that Kanjar Ro attacks or something.

    I think Ross is just as a great a story teller as he is a pin-up artist. Any weaknesses here can most likely be attributed to Braithwaite, who did all the layouts.

    Good job guys keeping this crossover going!

  4. Great episode! I have not listened to it all yet so maybe you mention it later: Am I correct in thinking that Ross uses his model for Zatanna?

    I have been pouring over my Absolute edition of Justice as each episode drops and it’s been a pleasure to revisit this epic story with you all. If they were ever to do a follow-up, I’d love to see Ross take on the legacy heroes: Titans, Mary Marvel & Cap Jr, Supergirl, etc. Is there a reason Beast Boy is never seen in his human form? Even as a pussy cat Gar is rubbing up against Zatanna’s fishnets. That kid has moxie.

      1. I have heard that before but never read/heard it confirmed by Ross. We barely mention Zatanna at all in this episode.

      2. I believe Ross’ wife was his model for Zatanna, but I tend to get that confused with Paul Dini’s wife, Misty Lee, who is a real life magician who dresses like Zatanna, and of course Dini and Ross worked together on the treasury comics.

        For some reason, and I don’t know why, I always remember the name of Ross’ model for Superman/Captain America: Frank Kasey.


  5. One of my favorite aspects of Justice that I don’t think any of the podcasts mentioned are the 3 glorious covers Ross did for each of the individual hardcover collections featuring the JLA & LOD assemblages of heroes & villains. When I think of the DCU these are the versions of the characters that first come to mind.

    This is a guess but I always thought that these group portraits were based on Norman Rockwell’s 1961 work “Golden Rule”:


    Although I like the final cover with the JLA in their metallic armor, I do wish he had chosen to use the group portrait featuring all the supporting characters. I believe Ross only did a pencil version but a fan later went online and added the color:


    1. I think Ross was definitely influenced by The Golden Rule by Rockwell. He first aped that look on the covers of Kingdom Come, so for Justice, he’s kind of apeing himself, apeing Rockwell.

      A few weeks ago, I saw a large tin art print of the main heroes image where the front row of characters was embossed. VERY tempting!!!

      We never got enough of Ross painting Robin for my tastes, especially the “Teen Wonder” version, so I’m always happy to see more of him!


  6. Could I get a link or list to the episodes if JLMay…
    I can’t seem to find the list anywhere and don’t want. To skip from 3 to 10

  7. Great work as always, Ryan and Sutherlands! I was looking at some pages posted by the folks from Silver and Gold, and I realized why noted Mike Grell fans the Sutherlands might like like Ross’s work. Like Iron Mike’s, Alex Ross’s characters have a predilection for speaking with their lips closed! ; ) In Grell’s defense, that was usually only his ladies. (see any issue of his LSH). Ross’s men often look as though their lips are glued together! (see Clark and Bruce visit Leslie Tomkins issue 9 page 8.)

    1. I’m very happy you enjoyed the episode and appreciate the kind words. Yes, as you can tell we definitely do like Alex Ross’ art too. We’ve been covering Mike Grell’s time on the Legion in our recent episodes with some great guests including Dr Anj, Jeff Messer, Mike Lane, Philip Schweier, and coming in the next episode … Martin Gray. Thanks again, Darrin 🙂

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