Dear Reader 05: Meter and Rhyme

In this episode, I interview poet Rita Maria Martinez regarding her collection of Jane Eyre poetry entitled The Jane and Bertha in Me.

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2 responses to “Dear Reader 05: Meter and Rhyme

  1. Great interview, Stella, but then I’m a poetry nerd.

    I am greatly enjoying this show and every episode gets me closer to pulling the trigger on my own Hamlet podcast, not just because I’m inspired, but because my approach would be quite dissimilar. I could never hope to be either as well-spoken nor as well-researched as you are. I guess I just want to be part of Fire and Water’s literary revolution.

  2. I’m one of those people who struggle with poetry. For whatever reason, I approach poems as puzzles to be solved or as secret codes that need to be broken, rather than as a work of art to be experienced and enjoyed. That being said, I admire poets for their ability to see the world in a different way than I do.

    It was great to be introduced to Rita and her work, to learn about her process, and to hear how her love of Jane influences her writing.

    Thanks for another excellent episode.

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